Sports Safety
Safety precautions during Sport activities within curriculum hour (include PE and CCA)
Students are:
to inform the teacher if they do not feel well
to inform the teacher when they sustain an injury during activity or CCA
to inform the teacher if he/she has any medical condition (e.g. recovering from flu, asthma, fractures, weak heart etc.).
to drink plenty of water before, during and after the activity or CCA to avoid dehydration.
to have with them, at all time, any special medication (e.g. asthma inhalants) that they may need.
to observe all safety rules and regulations pertaining to the specific sport/game.
Safety precautions for playing sports/games outside curriculum hour
Students are not to:
participate in any games if they are not feeling well.
engage in physical activities when the venue is deemed not suitable for activities. For eg. Flooring is wet and deemed unsuitable for play.
leave any litter behind at the playing areas.
Students are to
report to the General Office (Tel: 65873683) if there are any injuries.
report to the General Office (Tel: 65873683) if there are any damage to school property.
be responsible for their own valuables.
seek shelter immediately when the Lightning Warning System (LWS) is activated.
bring their own equipment for unstructured play (own play) – highly recommended.
Latest update: 3 Jan 2024